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Filters: Author is Santiago Aja-Fernández and First Letter Of Title is C [Clear All Filters]
"Computation of exact g-factor maps in 3D GRAPPA reconstructions", Magnetic resonance in medicine, vol. 81, pp. 1353–1367, 2019.
, "Cuantificación de la insuficiencia mitral funcional mediante el esfuerzo y la velocidad del miocardio", XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, 2011.
, "A computational TW3 classifier for skeletal maturity assessment. A Computing with Words approach", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 37, no. 2: Academic Press, pp. 99–107, 2004.