Entorno computacional para la fusión y el procesado de múltiples modalidades de resonancia magnética cardiaca aplicados al análisis de la miocardiopatía hipertrófica. Desarrollo de técnicas para la extracción de características mecánicas del miocardio y d

Grant Type: 
Principal investigator: 
Carlos Alberola-López
Funding institution: 
Conserjería de Educación. Junta de Castilla y León
ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicación

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  (HCM) is a high prevalence cardiac pathology responsible for sudent death in the youth.  A deep understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms that give rise to it is essential  for its early detection and correct therapy. In this project we focus in the development of a computational platform that allows the user to measure associations between the mechanical behaviour of the heart, estimated through the strain tensor, and the presence of gadolinium in late enhancement images, with the objective to validate the hypothesis that an anomalous heart motion gives rise to the gadolinium accumulation in the right ventricle insertion in the septum and, consequently, pharmacological intervention may alleviate this effect. Additionally, we study the associations of our generalized transmurality maps and the components of the strain tensor. We are also interested in how to improve the estimation of the local phase out of tagging images. To that end, multiple orientations are put together to improve the quality of the estimations.