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"Coding technique with progressive reconstruction based on VQ and entropy coding applied to medical images", International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 171–181, 2000.
, "Energy functions for the segmentation of ultrasound volume data using active rays", Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2000. ICASSP'00. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE International Conference on, vol. 6: IEEE, pp. 2274–2277, 2000.
, "Kalman filter technique applied to surface reconstruction and visualization from noisy volume data", Medical Imaging 2000: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 396–407, 2000.
, "Model-based stereo-visual tracking: Covariance analysis and tracking schemes", Signal Processing, vol. 80, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 23–43, 2000.
, "disnei: A collaborative environment for medical images analysis and visualization", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2000: Springer, 2000.
, "Cost functions to estimate a posteriori probabilities in multiclass problems", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 10, pp. 645-656, 1999.
, "Estimates of constrained multi-class a posteriori probabilities in time series problems with neural networks", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, United States, 1999.
, "Estimates of constrained multi-class a posteriori probabilities in time series problems with neural networks", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, United States, 1999.
, "Markov random fields and the disparity gradient constraint applied to stereo correspondence", Image Processing, 1999. ICIP 99. Proceedings. 1999 International Conference on, vol. 3: IEEE, pp. 901–905, 1999.
, "Neural architectures for parametric estimation of a posteriori probabilities by constrained conditional density functions", Neural Networks for Signal Processing - Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop, Madison, WI, USA, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States, 1999.
, "Neural architectures for parametric estimation of a posteriori probabilities by constrained conditional density functions", Neural Networks for Signal Processing - Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop, Madison, WI, USA, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States, 1999.
, "Neural networks to estimate ML multi-class constrained conditional probability density functions", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, United States, 1999.
, "Neural networks to estimate ML multi-class constrained conditional probability density functions", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, United States, 1999.
, "Object CFAR detection in gamma-distributed textured-background images", IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol. 146, no. 3: IEE, pp. 130–136, 1999.
, "A novel error criterion for multiresolution volume data compression", [Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 1999. 21st Annual Conference and the 1999 Annual Fall Meetring of the Biomedical Engineering Society] BMES/EMBS Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the First Joint, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 1159–vol, 1999.
, "Efficient multispectral texture segmentation using multivariate statistics", IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol. 145, no. 5: IEE, pp. 357–364, 1998.
, "A DSP Implementation of Wavelet Transform to Detect Epileptiform Activity in the EEG", Proc. 8th Annual International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, pp. 692–696, 1997.
, "A Comparison of CFAR Strategies for Blob Detection in Textured Images", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1996: Elsevier, 1996.
, "Hypothesis testing for coarse region estimation and stable point determination applied to Markovian texture segmentation", Image Processing, 1996. Proceedings., International Conference on, vol. 3: IEEE, pp. 169–172, 1996.
, "A Region Oriented CFAR Approach to the Detection of Extensive Targets in Textured Images", Proceedings IWISP'96: 4-7 November 1996, Manchester, United Kingdom: Third International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing on the Theme of Advances in Computational Intelligence: Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 195, 1996.