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"On the estimation of joint probability density functions for multi-modal registration of medical images", Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), vol. 26, Valladolid, Spain, Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, pp. 13-16, 2008.
, "On the estimation of joint probability density functions for multi-modal registration of medical images", Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), vol. 26, Valladolid, Spain, Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, pp. 13-16, 2008.
, "A general interpolation method for symmetric second-rank tensors in two dimensions", Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 931–934, 2008.
, "A general interpolation method for symmetric second-rank tensors in two dimensions", Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 931–934, 2008.
, "A methodology for quality assessment in tensor images", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW'08. IEEE Computer Society Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–6, 2008.
, "A methodology for quality assessment in tensor images", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW'08. IEEE Computer Society Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–6, 2008.
, "Analysis of Ultrasound Images Based on Local Statistics. Application to the Diagnosis of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE: IEEE, pp. 2531–2534, 2007.
, "DTI Application with Haptic Interfaces", Proc. eNTER-FACE, vol. 7, pp. 1–9, 2007.
, "DTI Application with Haptic Interfaces", Proc. eNTER-FACE, vol. 7, pp. 1–9, 2007.
, "DTI Application with Haptic Interfaces", Proc. eNTER-FACE, vol. 7, pp. 1–9, 2007.
, "DTI Application with Haptic Interfaces", Proc. eNTER-FACE, vol. 7, pp. 1–9, 2007.
, "Multimodal evaluation for medical image segmentation", Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Springer, 2007.
, "Neural Network-Assisted Fiber Tracking of Synthetic and White Matter DT-MR Images.", World Congress on Engineering, pp. 618–623, 2007.
, "Parameter Estimation of the Homodyned K Distribution Based on Signal to Noise Ratio", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE: IEEE, pp. 158–161, 2007.
, "Sequential anisotropic Wiener filtering applied to 3D MRI data", Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 25, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 278–292, 2007.
, "Techniques in the contour detection of kidneys and their applications", World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 381–398, 2007.
, "Techniques in the contour detection of kidneys and their applications", World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 381–398, 2007.
, "Tissue identification in ultrasound images using rayleigh local parameter estimation", Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2007. BIBE 2007. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1129–1133, 2007.
, "Ultrasound Based Intraoperative Brain Shift Correction", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE: IEEE, 2007.
, "On evaluating brain tissue classifiers without a ground truth", Neuroimage, vol. 36, no. 4: Academic Press, pp. 1207–1224, 2007.
, "On evaluating brain tissue classifiers without a ground truth", Neuroimage, vol. 36, no. 4: Academic Press, pp. 1207–1224, 2007.
, "A new proposal for 3D fiber tracking in synthetic diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images", Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2007. ISSPA 2007. 9th International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 1–4, 2007.
, "Endocardium and epicardium contour modeling based on Markov random fields and active contours", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS'06. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE: IEEE, pp. 928–931, 2006.
, "A Speckle Removal Filter Based on Anisotropic Wiener Filtering and the Rice Distribution", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006. IEEE: IEEE, pp. 1694–1697, 2006.
, "A Speckle Removal Filter Based on Anisotropic Wiener Filtering and the Rice Distribution", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006. IEEE: IEEE, pp. 1694–1697, 2006.