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"A Machine Hearing System for Robust Cough Detection Based on a High-Level Representation of Band-Specific Audio Features", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 66, pp. 2319-2330, 2019.
, "Mapping Raw Acceleration Data on ActiGraph Counts: A Machine Learning Approach", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2018.
, "Matching pursuit-based compressive sensing in a wearable biomedical accelerometer fall diagnosis device", Biomedical signal processing and control, vol. 33, pp. 96–108, 2017.
, "Multiple comparator classifier framework for accelerometer-based fall detection and diagnostic", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 39, pp. 94–103, 2016.
, "Multiple Comparator Classifier Framework for Accelerometer-Based Fall Detection and Diagnostic", Applied Soft Computing, In press, 2015.
, "A magnetic resonance software simulator for the evaluation of myocardial deformation estimation", Medical engineering & physics, vol. 35, no. 9: Elsevier, pp. 1331–1340, 2013.
, "A Markov random field approach for topology-preserving registration: Application to object-based tomographic image interpolation", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 21, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 2047–2061, 2012.
, "Métodos de análisis automático de la actividad diaria del niño con TDAH. Mesa Redonda. Ponencia Invitada", 61º Congreso Anual de la Asociación Española de Pediatría, vol. 61, Granada, Spain, pp. 43-49, 2012.
, "Modelado Estadístico de Señales Fotopletismográficas para la Construcción de Atlas Poblacionales Orientados a la Evaluación y Seguimiento del Remodelado Cardiovascular", XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), vol. 29, Cáceres, Spain, pp. 607-610, 2011.
, "A multichannel model-based methodology for extubation readiness decision of patients on weaning trials", Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 56, no. 7: IEEE, pp. 1849–1863, 2009.
, "Modelling Network Traffic as alpha-Stable Stochastic Processes: An Approach Towards Anomaly Detection", Proc. VII Jornadas de Ingenierıa Telematica (JITEL), pp. 25–32, 2008.