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"Atlas-based segmentation of white matter structures from DTI using tensor invariants and orientation", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE: IEEE, pp. 503–506, 2013.
, "Anisotropic LMMSE denoising of MRI based on statistical tissue models", Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 1519–1522, 2012.
, "Automatic diagnosis of ADHD based on multichannel nonlinear analysis of actimetry registries", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE: IEEE, pp. 4204–4207, 2012.
, "Algoritmo de Compresión de Señales de ECG basado en un Modelo de Síntesis. Análisis Comparativo", XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), vol. 29, Cáceres, Spain, pp. 733-736, 2011.
, "Anomaly detection in network traffic based on statistical inference and alpha-stable modeling", Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, pp. 494–509, 2011.
, "Automatic diagnosis of ADHD based on nonlinear analysis of actimetry registries", Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, vol. 32, Prague, Czech Rep., pp. 685-688, 2011.
, "About the background distribution in MR data: a local variance study", Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 28, no. 5: Elsevier, pp. 739–752, 2010.
, "Analysis of the pyramidal tract in tumor patients using diffusion tensor imaging", NeuroImage, vol. 50, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 27–39, 2010.
, "Automatic bayesian classification of healthy controls, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia using intrinsic connectivity maps from fMRI data", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, pp. 2850-2860, 2010.
, "Acute myocardial infarction circadian rhythm in a geriatric population in Castilla y Leon", Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 57, no. 7: Wiley Online Library, pp. 1312–1313, 2009.
, "Addendum to “Sequential anisotropic multichannel Wiener filtering with Rician bias correction applied to 3D regularization of DWI data”[Medical Image Analysis 13 (2009) 19–35]", Medical image analysis, vol. 13, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 910, 2009.
, "Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no. 8: Elsevier, pp. 1207–1222, 2009.
, "Automatic noise estimation in images using local statistics. Additive and multiplicative cases", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 756–770, 2009.
, "Automatic segmentation of white matter structures from DTI using tensor invariants and tensor orientation", Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med, 2009.
, "Analysis of Ultrasound Images Based on Local Statistics. Application to the Diagnosis of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip", Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE: IEEE, pp. 2531–2534, 2007.
, "Age as modifying factor of circadian rhythm of acute myocardial infarction", MEDICINA INTENSIVA, vol. 29, no. 9: IDEPSA, pp. 455, 2005.
, "Articulated registration: Elastic registration based on a wire-model", Medical Imaging: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 182–191, 2005.
, "An approach for contour detection of human kidneys from ultrasound images using Markov random fields and active contours", Medical Image Analysis, vol. 9, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 1–23, 2005.
, "Automatic bone age assessment: A registration approach", Medical Imaging 2003: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 1765–1776, 2003.