Elisa Moya-Sáez, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher with the ETSI Telecomunicación,
University of Valladolid
Research Affiliate LPI (Valladolid, SPAIN)

Publications of Elisa Moya-Sáez: [by year][by type]

ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicación,
Universidad de Valladolid
Campus Miguel Delibes sn. 47011 Valladolid, SPAIN
Tel: (+34) 983-423660, ext 5553. Fax: (+34) 983-423667
E-mail: emoysae@lpi.tel.uva.es

[Scholar google][Personal Web]

Short Bio: 
Elisa Moya-Sáez PhD in Telecommunications and Information Technology Engineering at the Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, since June 2024. She received the BC Telecommunication Engineering degree from the University of Valladolid, Spain, in 2017 and she was given the "Premio extraordinario de fin de carrera", prize awarded to the most outstanding graduate, December 2018. Elisa joined the Image Processing Laboratory in 2018 with a Collaboration Fellowship and, after that, she completed her Ph.D. with a fellowship from the "Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer". Her main research interests are quantitative MRI and synthetic MRI with deep learning, and also motion correction in perfusion cardiac MR.