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"Noise estimation in magnetic resonance SENSE reconstructed data", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE: IEEE, pp. 1104–1107, 2013.
, "Noise estimation in parallel MRI: GRAPPA and SENSE", Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 32, no. 3: Elsevier, pp. 281–290, 2014.
, "Statistical Noise Analysis in SENSE Parallel MRI", arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.4067, 2014.
, "Adjugate Diffusion Tensors for Geodesic Tractography in White Matter", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 54, pp. 1–14, 2015.
, "Efficient and Robust Image Restoration Using Multiple-Feature L2-Relaxed Sparse Analysis Priors", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24, pp. 5046-5059, Dec, 2015.
, "Impact of MR Acquisition Parameters on DTI Scalar Indexes: A Tractography Based Approach", PLoS ONE, vol. 10, pp. e0137905, 2015.
, "Improving GRAPPA reconstruction by frequency discrimination in the ACS lines", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 10, issue 10, pp. 1699-1710, 2015.
, "Spherical Deconvolution of Multichannel Diffusion MRI Data with Non-Gaussian Noise Models and Spatial Regularization", PLoS ONE, vol. 10, pp. e0138910, 2015.
, "Abnormal Capillary Vasodynamics Contribute to Ictal Neurodegeneration in Epilepsy", Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017.
, "Compressed UAV sensing for flood monitoring by solving the continuous travelling salesman problem over hyperspectral maps", Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2018: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.
, "Return-to-the-origin probability calculation in single shell acquisitions", International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Paris, France, pp. 1414, 2018.
, "Scalar diffusion-MRI measures invariant to acquisition parameters: A first step towards imaging biomarkers", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 54, pp. 194 - 213, 2018.
, "Return-to-Axis Probability Calculation from Single-Shell Acquisitions", Computational Diffusion MRI: Springer, pp. 29-41, 2019.
, "Single-Shell Return-to-the-Origin Probability Diffusion Mri Measure Under a Non-Stationary Rician Distributed Noise", 2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019): IEEE, 2019.
, "AMURA with standard single-shell acquisition can detect changes beyond the Diffusion Tensor: a migraine clinical study", ISMRM 28th annual meeting, vol. 4549, 2020.
, "Alternative Diffusion Anisotropy Metric from Reduced MRI Acquisitions", Computational Diffusion MRI: Springer, Cham, pp. 13–24, 2020.
, "Deep Phenotyping of Headache in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients via Principal Component Analysis", Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 11, pp. 1751, 2020.
, "Factors associated with the presence of headache in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and impact on prognosis: a retrospective cohort study", The Journal of Headache and Pain, vol. 21, pp. 94, Jul, 2020.
, "Factors associated with the presence of headache in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and impact on prognosis: a retrospective cohort study", The Journal of Headache and Pain, vol. 21, pp. 94, Jul, 2020.
, "Integration of an Intelligent Tutoring System in a Magnetic Resonance Simulator for Education: Technical Feasibility and User Experience", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, pp. 105634, 2020.
, "Micro-structure diffusion scalar measures from reduced MRI acquisitions", PLOS ONE, vol. 15, pp. 1-25, 2020.
, "A Web-Based Educational Magnetic Resonance Simulator: Design, Implementation and Testing", Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 44, pp. 9, 2020.
, "Accurate free-water estimation in white matter from fast diffusion MRI acquisitions using the spherical means technique", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 87, issue 2, pp. 1028-1035, 2022, 2021.
, "Apparent propagator anisotropy from single-shell diffusion MRI acquisitions", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 85, issue 5, pp. 2869-2881, 2021.
, "Efficient and accurate EAP imaging from multi-shell dMRI with Micro-Structure adaptive convolution kernels and dual Fourier Integral Transforms (MiSFIT)", NeuroImage, vol. 227, pp. 117616, 2021.