Research and applications
Image Processing and Analysis
- Image Quality Assessment: QILV index. A new and complementary method to assess image quality is proposed, based on the comparison of the local variance distribution of two images. This new quality index is suited to assess the non-stationarity of images, explicitly focusing on the image structure.
- Local statistics toolbox
Medical Applications
MRI Modeling and Processing
- Noise models for MR data.
- Noise estimation techniques for MR data
- Noise filtering and signal estimation
- Parallel Imaging
Diffusion MRI
- SATURN: Software Application of Tensor Utilities for Research in Neuroimaging. LPI, Spain
- 3DSlicer: Open source software package for visualization and image analysis. SPL, Harvard Medical School.
Cardiac Imaging
- Mitral valve insufficiency assessment using 3D ultrasound.
- Miocardial perfusion using MR
- MRI phantom for cardiac perfusion simulation: a realistic cardiac MR perfusion simulator.The most common degradation factors involved in the MR image formation, such as those derived from parallel acquisition protocols, the presence of thermal noise and its correlation, the partial volume effect, the field inhomogeneity and the image saturation, are incorporated into the simulation, together with kinematic model, perfusion process and breathing effects. Resulting images show a strong resemblance with natural images and perfusion curves obtained seem parallel to those that could be observed in a real setting. MATLAB toolbox.