Image Processing and Analysis Toolboxes
- Image Quality Assessment: QILV index. [Matlab][Matlab Exchange] A new and complementary method to assess image quality is proposed, based on the comparison of the local variance distribution of two images. This new quality index is suited to assess the non-stationarity of images, explicitly focusing on the image structure.The method is presented in
S. Aja-Fernández, R. San José Estépar, C. Alberola-López and C.F. Westin, "Image quality assessment based on local variance", EMBC 2006, New York, Sept. 2006.
- Local statistics toolbox [Matlab]. Local operators for 2D processing. (MATLAB)
- Soft thresholding for image segmentation [Matlab Exchange][Matlab], as described in
Santiago Aja-Fernández, Gonzalo Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, Miguel A. Martín Fernández, Soft thresholding for medical image segmentation, EMBC'2010, Buenos Aires, Sept. 2010.
- 2-D adaptive noise-removal filtering [Matlab Exchange]. WIENERC modifies the WIENER2 function from the MATLAB image toolbox to provide proper noise estimation (assuming additive Gaussian noise). Methods proposed in:
S. Aja-Fernández, G. vegas-Sanchez-Ferrero, M. Martín-Fernández and C. Alberola-López, "Automatic Noise Estimation in Images Using Local Statistics. Additive and Multiplicative Cases". Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 27, Issue 6, May 2009, pp. 756-770.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Processing
- Noise estimation techniques for MR data [Matlab Exchange][Matlab]: Main methods to estimate noise out of MR data from different authors. All methods are compared in
S. Aja-Fernández, A. Tristán-Vega, C. Alberola-López, Noise estimation in single- and multiple-coil magnetic resonance data based on statistical models, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Volume 27, Issue 10, Pages 1397-1409.
- Simulator of noisy parallel acquisition MR data (GRAPPA and SENSE included) [Matlab Exchange][Matlab].
- LMMSE filter for Rician MRI data [Slicer Module][Matlab][Matlab Exchange], as described in
S Aja-Fernández, M. Niethammer, M. Kubicki, M. E. Shenton, C.F. Westin, "Restoration of DWI data using a Rician LMMSE estimator". IEEE Tr. on Medical Imag. Vol. 27, No. 10, Oct. 2008, pp. 1389-1403.
- Efficient and Robust Nonlocal Means for MRI denoising [ITK][Slicer Module][Matlab], as defined in
A. Tristán-Vega, V. García-Pérez, S. Aja-Fernández, Efficient and Robust Nonlocal Means Denoising of MR Data Based on Salient Features Matching, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Volume 105, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 131–144
Cardiac Imaging
- MRI phantom for cardiac perfusion simulation [MATLAB][Matlab][Matlab Exchange]. From
S. Aja-Fernández, C. Alberola-López, L. Cordero-Grande,A MRI phantom for cardiac perfusion simulation, ISBI 2012.
Ultrasound and Speckle
- Detail Preserving Anosotropic Diffusion for Speckle Filtering (DPAD) [MATLAB][Matlab Exchange]. From
S. Aja‐Fernandez, C. Alberola Lopez, On the Estimation of the Coefficient of Variation for Anisotropic Diffusion Speckle Filtering, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol.15, no. 9, sept 2006.
Diffusion MRI
- SATURN: Software Application of Tensor Utilities for Research in Neuroimaging. LPI, Spain
- 3DSlicer: Open source software package for visualization and image analysis. SPL, Harvard Medical School.
- Joint Rician LMMSE Filter for DWI (Slicer Module), as defined in
A. Tristán-Vega and S. Aja-Fernández. DWI filtering using joint information for DTI and HARDI, Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 14, No. 2, April 2010, pp 205-218.
- Selected papers on statistical noise analysis in MRI (PDF). Compendium of published papers. March 2015
Technical Reports
- Statistical Noise Analysis in SENSE Parallel MRI (PDF). LPI Technical Report TECH-LPI2012-01. V2.0 (Corrected version) June 2013.
Available at arXiv:1402.4067. - A review on statistical noise models for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PDF). LPI Technical Report TECH-LPI2013-01. July 2013
- Improving GRAPPA reconstruction by frequency discrimination in the ACS lines (PDF). LPI Technical Report TECH-LPI2013-02. July 2013
- Full Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Local Statistics (PDF). LPI Technical Report TECH-LPI2014-02. Jan 2014. (Original Document Feb. 2009)
Statistical distributions
- Gaussian related distributions: pdfs, moments and some approximations.
- LogRician and Log-noncentral-chi distributions.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging